Now that construction is finally finished, you can see Our Bar ATL's transformation from a dusty, gloomy space into a vibrant bar + restaurant brimming with life and color. All that work and effort culminated this last week with our final inspections. Everything we've been working towards came down to our final building, fire, and health inspections.
We were especially worried about the daunting health inspection on Friday. So the team showed up to clean windows, install equipment, and dust the entire space on Thursday night to help get the place spotless! Needless to say, we passed with a perfect score the next day. (Thank you, City Of Atlanta + Fulton County Health, for being so damn encouraging).
As we mopped and cleaned our own bar/restaurant the past few days, we've never felt such pride in our own work and a sense of belonging to a place we can call our own. It's been a long journey to get here but frankly, we've barely begun. Now that construction is over, we're ready to take action on all the ideas and creativity we've stored up since then.
DM: @ourbaratl to collaborate with us and to get invited to our private tastings, merch drops and so much more.